Visit 2019 – The Kids

In February 2019 we visited again the Children’s Home. For me (Schoitsch Peter) and Alexander Kühne it was our first time to visit nepal. It was a great pleasure for us to see my father’s legacy with our own eyes.


The first cup of tee in the SchoWe Kinderheim for us


Since this facility has been opening its doors for almost a year now, the children and the staff have settled in very much in the new home. At the time of our visit 28 children were accommodated. Everyone was friendly and very curious. The kids immodestly tried to talk to us (because they wanted to show us their learned English skills from school) and asked us about everything.


Children after class at the Edmund Hillary School building in Khumjung


The school that they visit is called “Khumjung High School” and was the first school to be build by Sir Edmund Hillary in the year 1961. All children attend classes there 6 days a week. It is based in the flattest area of Khumjung on 3780m (12400 ft) and about 10 minutes’ walk away from the SKH. If you want more information about the school, visit:


If there is for once no school, the kids are very determined to learn for school, doing their homework or help in the household with cooking and cleaning. But for sure – they are kids – so they love to learn traditional dances and for sure play outside. Even football is played at this height! The greatest joy they had, was among other things, two new footballs. Of course, these had to be inaugurated with a small match where Alex and I had to join.


At the end of our visit, I handed Dawa a donation from a school called “HLW Hermagor” out of my hometown and we took a group photo in the morning sun. After that, everyone took their leave with us and made their way to school and we into the valley.

Group photo with the kids. First row: Dawa Nuru Sherpa and Peter Schoitsch